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  • Anne Newman

L O S T !

Updated: May 10

Package from Prague

The two-tone ring of our doorbell, followed by a few sharp barks from our dog Nellie, announced the package from Prague. When I opened the door, I saw a young man holding a rectangular cardboard box as if it were a sleeping baby. Indeed the package looked in need of extra care. It was barely held together with flimsy-looking tape.


“Wow,” I said while signing the receipt and trying to keep Nellie from bounding out the door. The delivery man nodded warily, not wanting to be blamed for the package’s condition. Or maybe in reaction to our dog’s enthusiasm. He wore no identification and parked out of sight of the front door. Unusual, I thought. But I let him go and brought the box into the house



Another glance made my heart sink. There was a hole in one of the corners, through which something could easily have slipped out.

A few minutes later, my husband Don came to see who was at the door. Eager to inspect the contents, he took a knife and cut through the tape.

I held my breath.


Inside were all the items I had handed over two weeks earlier to the hotel reception staff in Prague. Books, cards, museum catalogs. A cloth bag from a bookstore in Brno, and one from the Museum of Czech Cubism in the House of the Black Madonna in Prague.


We were half-way through our European trip with two more weeks to go. I wanted to lighten our load.


“Oh no!” I said. Don looked stricken. The most important thing I had handed over to the hotel staff—the one thing that could not be replaced and most likely slipped through the hole—was not in the box.


Hole in corner of the box

The missing item? A 100-year old nine-inch rusty iron rod. The white enamel oval ring at one end had become slightly dented and speckled with age. In fact, the piece looked like it belonged on a junk pile.


Except it is not junk. It is the doorbell ringer from my grandparents’ factory in the former Czechoslovakia. A symbol of their entrepreneurial success between the wars. Their wealth from the factory and the stores in which they sold their food machinery products at home and abroad enabled them to commission a 1937 modernist apartment building in Brno. The building, the factory, and everything else owned by my grandparents were stolen first by the Nazis and then the Communists. In the 1990s, after the Velvet Revolution restored democracy to Czechoslovakia, my father reclaimed the building and other properties belonging to his parents. The government did not allow him to reclaim the factory. So this old rusty rod is all we had left.


And now, through my carelessness, it was gone.

The ringer had been covered over for decades, presumably after the initial building was enlarged. It was discovered, as seen here, during a recent renovation of the building.

Don looked pained which made me feel even worse. “There must be a way to retrieve it!” I said without much conviction. He shook his head. The distance between the hotel in Prague and our home in Maryland is more than 4,000 miles. And who knows how many stops this bit of iron made en route, where it could have slipped out unnoticed.


My mind was spinning with guilt and regret. I should have taken it with me when we left Prague, or at least packed it better rather than placing it loosely on top of one of the bags.  

Whenever I'm in Prague, I stay at the same hotel, and each time the staff has arranged to send things home for me without problems. But this was the first time I entrusted a piece of family history to them. The doorbell ringer had been given to me the day before we arrived in Prague. It was a surprise gift from a friend and former worker in the factory who had asked the new owners for permission to remove it.

A warm summer day in the Bohemian-Moravian highlands of the Czech Republic on our way to my grandmother’s birthplace of Třešť. Třešť is half-way between Brno and Prague and the home of the factory and the doorbell ringer!

In the garden of our friends in Třešť. The man in the blue shirt standing behind his wife Anna is my friend Jan who gave me the doorbell ringer with permission from the current owner of the old factory (photo: Eva Šamánková)

I decided I had to try to find the doorbell ringer. If not successful, at least I would know I had done everything possible to rectify this careless mistake.


I started by reviewing previous e-mails from the hotel about the shipment:

From: Reception M

Date: Friday, June 23, 2023 at 8:15 AM

To: Anne Newman

Subject: Books’ shipping from the M Hotel


Dear Ms. Newman,

We have received your request for book shipping, so I would like to tell you the approximate cost of the parcel of this weight would be 3025 CZK which is according to the CNB course for today is 151 USD.


And your contact details are: xxx


Please confirm your shipping details, so we can send you the payment link for a secure and fast prepayment. In case of any other questions, feel free to contact us. We will be awaiting for your response!


Best Regards,



Reception Team


I confirmed the details and the package was sent. Now, 3 ½ weeks later, I had a new reason to contact the hotel.


From: Anne Newman

Sent: Tuesday, July 18, 2023 1:12 AM (7 PM EST)

To: Reception Hotel M

Subject: Re: Books’ shipping from the M Hotel


Dear Maryana,

The package arrived this afternoon. Unfortunately it was poorly packed and not well secured. The tape was coming undone and both sides of the package were coming apart.


Also, we noticed after unpacking the package that a long metal object covered in enamel—an ancient doorbell that I had included with the books—was missing and may have fallen out.


Is there any way to trace that item?

Thank you —

Anne Newman

Tel. xxx


From Reception Hotel M

Date: Tuesday, July 18, 2023 at 10:26 AM

To: Anne Newman

Subject: RE: Books’ shipping from the M Hotel


Dear Ms. Newman,


We are sorry to hear that your package arrived in damaged condition and missing the special item. We can assure you that we secured and shipped everything that was in the bags you provided us, so something must have gone wrong during the shipment. Unfortunately, we do not have a way to guarantee with the post office how the package will be handled when it goes international. If you would like to file a complaint with the post office and seek possible compensation for the damage and missing item, you can view their policy for doing so on the link below. You will need your receipt to do this, so if you would like to move forward with filing, please let us know so we can assist you with locating the receipt.



Again, we apologize for this unfortunate situation and hope we can help you receive compensation or locate the item.


Kind regards,



As I wondered whether to pursue this, I was haunted by an old photograph. My father's family members of all ages, smiling and looking relaxed, stand in front of the door of the factory in Třešť in the late 1920s. My father is not in the photo but there are rare images of relatives important to him. His father Alfred, back row, center. His grandfather Albert, back row, second from right. His two grandmothers: Veronika, wearing a white lace blouse, and Marie, on her left. His uncles Friedl, back row far right, Hilbert, second row, second from left, and Norbert, second row, far left. His sister Olga, second row, far right, in the long-waisted white dress. His aunts Charlotta, second row, left, face partially hidden and Malvina, second row, second from right; his cousins Fritz, front row left and František, front row right, face blurred.

Family members in front of the door of the factory in Třešť, c. 1929. Includes some of those who died in the Holocaust. The doorbell ringer is in the upper right hand corner.

World War II began ten short years after this photo was taken. Five members of my father's family who later died in Nazi concentration camps are in this photo: Albert, Hilbert, Norbert, Charlotta, and Fritz. The doorbell ringer can be seen in the upper right hand corner.

I decided I could not let it go.

From: Anne Newman

Date: Tuesday, July 18, 2023 at 4:19 PM

To: Reception Hotel M

Subject: Re: Books’ shipping from the M Hotel


Dear Maryana,

Thank you for your e-mail.

Three questions:

1.     Is it possible that whoever packed this parcel (at the M hotel? At the post office in Prague?) did not include the door bell ringer (long metal rod with a white-enamel covered ball at the end—used to ring the doorbell of a factory)?

2.     Is it possible that this rod was sent separately or is still at the post office?

3.     Could you let me know what the tracking number was and any other information about how the package(s) was sent? I’ve checked our mail exchanges and I don’t believe I was sent the tracking number.

Thank you.


Anne Newman

Subject: Re: Books shipping from the M Hotel

Date: Tuesday, July 18, 2023 at 4:20:52 PM Eastern Daylight Time

From: Anne Newman

To: Reception Hotel M


Apologies—I should have addressed this to Christina. Thanks –


From: Reception Hotel M

To: Anne Newman

Re: Books’ shipping from the Maximilian Hotel

Date: Wed., July 19, 2023 at 2:39 AM


Dear Ms. Newman, 


Thank you for your message. I can assure you, that we didn’t change anything in the way you had packed and gave us the things, that needed to be shipped, since the privacy of the guest is our priority, and as far as I am concerned you haven’t provided us with any instructions on what items need to be checked before shipping, so we left it as you originally has given us. The shipping of such items is not a service, that we tend to provide, so we went out of our way to fulfil your request, we are sorry, that it didn’t go as well as planned. 


We cannot, unfortunately, answer your questions regarding what happened since the moment we have given the parcel to the post office – in my personal opinion, anything could have happened and if you want to find out, the most suitable option would be to contact them directly. I am afraid they wouldn’t be able to provide us with the information regarding your package. 

Regarding the tracking number, we are sorry for the miscommunication, it must have stayed in the original payment link. Currently we are not able to access the information on your shipment, unfortunately, but we are working on it. Meanwhile I would advise you to check with your home post office.

Thank you for your understanding.


Best Regards,


Reception Team


From: Anne Newman

Date: Wednesday July 19, 2023 at 8:29 PM

To: Reception Hotel M

Cc: Anne Newman

Subject: FW: Package


Dear Maryana,

Thank you for your e-mail.

I just checked the document from the post office that was taped to the package and dated 29.6.23 (see attached). I noticed that it indicates that only books were sent and that something additional may be at the post office or the hotel’s ‘lost and found’. I’m wondering if that is the missing rod.

Could you please check with the staff person at the hotel who signed this document (I cannot make out the signature but perhaps you can recognize it) and who may know more about this mysteriously missing object?

Thank you for your help –

Anne N.


From: Reception Hotel M

To: Anne Newman

Sent: Thursday July 20, 2013 at 8:31 AM

Re: Package


Dear Ms.Newman, 


Thank you as well for your fast reply! As per our previous conversation, I have checked with my colleagues who has seen your package, and they claim, that no one has touched the package, and it has been handed to the post office in its original form. No one has seen the containment of the box, so, unfortunately no one can confirm whether it was there or not. The person, who sent the package wrote ‘books’, based on the information, that has been provided to him by the person to whom you handed the package. My assumption is that we usually write ‘lost and found’, than we don’t know the exact containment of the box. 


But I personally checked our ‘Lost and Found’ in the hotel storage for you today, and unfortunately nothing reminding of the rod hasn’t been found. I have also forwarded the message to our housekeeping staff, and they promised to let us know, if they find anything. I truly hope that the missing item will be found, and we will keep you updated!


Have a great day, with our Best Regards,



Reception Team


I notice there are some inconsistencies in Maryana’s report. Unfortunately, I did not take a picture of the rod when Jan gave it to me at his house in Třešť. But then I remembered that after visiting Jan, we went to the factory itself, which is just down the street. There our friend Eva, who was also our driver that day, suggested she take a picture of us standing at the factory door. The doorbell ringer was in my hand and Don suggested I insert the doorbell ringer where it belonged. I found that photo and attached it to the following e-mail. And I changed the subject line…


From: Anne Newman

Sent: Thursday, July 20, 2023 8:17 PM

To: Reception Hotel M

Cc: Anne Newman

Subject: Enamel ringer


Dear Maryana,

Thanks so much for today’s update and your help in tracking down this item (see attached picture of the rod with its enamel ring—not a ball as I earlier described it).

I am still puzzled about something. I brought the books and the rod down to the reception in a couple of large cloth bags. Someone else packed the box that was eventually sent. It sounds like the person who took the box to the post office did not pack the box. Whoever packed the box must have been another employee of the hotel. That person would remember whether a metal rod with an enamel ring at the end of it was included with the books. Any idea who that might be? We left the hotel on June 18 and the box was sent on June 29.

Many thanks again for your patience and help!


Anne N.


From: Reception

Date: Friday, July 21, 2023 at 3:34 AM

To: Anne Newman

Subject: RE: Enamel ringer


Dear Anne N.,


Thank you so much for reaching us.


I have found something similar to what you have described in your e-mail.


May I kindly ask you to confirm if that is the correct item. Please see the attached file.


Thank you so much!


Best wishes,




From: Anne Newman

Date: Friday, July 21, 2023 at 6:41 AM

To: Reception M

Cc: Anne Newman

Subject: Re: Enamel ringer


Dear Louis,

Oh my goodness!!!! You have found it!! Thank you so much!!!

Yes, this is the ancient ringer from my grandparents’ 1920s & 30s’ food machinery factory in Třešť. It was given to me in Třešť the day before we arrived in Prague.

I am so grateful to all of you who helped me find it and so sorry for the hassle to you. I should have packed it in my suitcase rather than trying to send it with the books…!

Would it be possible to pack it up and send to me now? Whatever you think is the safest way?

Please let me know what you recommend and, in the meantime, many many thanks again to you and M for hanging in there with me.

I believe you have my credit card on file but let me know if you need the information.




From: Anne Newman

Date: Friday, July 21, 2023 at 12:45 PM

To: Reception Hotel M

Subject: RE: Enamel ringer


I mean…

Dear Simon!


From: Reception Maximilian

Date: Friday, July 21, 2023 at 8:42 AM

To: Anne Newman

Subject: RE: Enamel ringer


Dear Ms. Newman, Thank you so much for your reply. On behalf of the reception team I apologize for such confusion.


Your treasurous item and family reliquia is in safe hands. We can only try to understand how much valuable this rod could be for you. Your trust is very important to us. Thank you for that.


If there is a more favourable way of shipment for you please note it in your next email.


If the standard way of shipment (through the casual post shipment) would be enough we will cover all necessary costs.


In any way, we will be waiting for the shipping address.


Looking forward to your reply.


Best wishes,



From: Anne Newman

Sent: Friday, July 21, 2023 2:59 PM

To: Reception Hotel M

Cc: Anne Newman

Subject: Re: Enamel ringer


Dear Simon,

Thank you for your e-mail.

My address is: xxx

Tel. xxx


Regarding how to send it, I rely on your recommendation. As long as it is packaged very well so that it won’t be damaged along the way, and there is a tracking number, then the standard route is probably okay. But if you think there is a more secure way, please let me know. In any case we are happy to pay for the shipment to ensure that it gets to us safely.

I look forward to your recommendation.




From: Reception M

Date: Friday, July 21, 203 at 12:01 PM

To: Anne Newman

Subject: RE: Enamel ringer


Dear Ms. Newman,


Thank you for sending your address details again. I believe it should be okay as you said with it packaged well. But we can check at the post office on Monday what they will be recommend to get it to you safely. If there will be some extra charges we will let you know. Otherwise we will try to get this organised as soon as possible for you and we will send a confirmation when it has been sent on Monday.


Best regards,


Reception Team


From: Anne Newman

Sent: Friday, July 21, 2023 7:23 PM

To: Reception Hotel M

Subject: Re: Enamel ringer


Dear Martina,

Thank you for this update. The plan sounds good.

I look forward to hearing about the arrangements on Mon.

Thanks again and best regards,

Anne N.


From: Hotel Reception M

Date: Monday, July 24, 2023 at 6:01 AM

To: Anne Newman

Subject: RE: Enamel ringer


Dear Ms. Newman,


I am pleased to inform you that your item has been sent.


We have used Czech Post (Česká pošta) for the shipment of your item. The tracking number is: CS011190226CZ


If there would be any further questions, I would be happy to answer it.


Best wishes,



From: Anne Newman

Sent: Friday, August 4, 2023 12:29 AM

To: Reception Hotel Maximilian

Subject: Re: Enamel ringer


Dear Simon,

And I am thrilled to tell you that the item just arrived a few minutes ago.

Many thanks again for locating and sending this old “door bell” from my grandparents’ factory. I am very grateful.

Best regards,



From: Hotel Reception M

Date: Friday, August 4, 2023 at 2:03 AM

To: AN

Subject: RE: Enamel ringer


Dear Anne,


We are so glad to hear that you received it! Thank you for your patience and please let us know if there is anything else we can do for you!


Warm regards,



Subject: Re: Enamel ringer

Date: Friday, August 4, 2023 at 10:55:50 AM Eastern Daylight Time

From: AN

To: Reception Hotel M


Thank you. I always stay at your hotel when I’m in Prague and look forward to the next time!

Very best regards,


Package in which doorbell ringer was sent from Prague. Looks even more beat up than the original package! But the iron rod arrived safely, carefully ensconced in bubble wrap.

Don was amazed, and remains so, that I was able to track down this "treasurous item and family reliquia." I was just relieved. We agreed that without years of detective work doing long-distance research about my elusive Czech grandparents, their apartment building in Brno, and their factory in Třešť , I would never have known how to make this happen. I would not even have tried.



The former factory in Třešť, which has been bought by a company that restores old buildings for future use (photo: Eva Šamánková)

The doorbell ringer in my office


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